#Cutest Bunnies in the world !!!!!!!

Welcome to the American Teddywidder Rabbit Club. We are very excited and thrilled you have joined. This club was created for all Teddywidder breeders and owners alike. We are located in the U.S.A. All owners are welcome to Join. This Club was Officially started January of 2023. We are a non for profit club. Membership fee is a $25.00 Yearly Donation. Donations will be for Club activities, maintaining our website, shows, Judges, and anything else needed to establish this wonderful breed. Our hopes are to become a ARBA approved breed. Becoming a member will give you recognition of your name and rabbitry page on our website. We will be diligently working on other upgrades to our website as we go forward. This breed was started over 20 years ago in Europe and is know as Teddy Widder, Teddy Nan, and Teddy Lop. In 2017 American Breeders started recreating this breed. They have crated their own version of the breed and now have imported original lines from Europe. We are happy to announce that we are the first and only Club in America using the Original imports. We have world wide members. If you are Abroad and want to be a Club member please reach out to our Foreign Directors. This breed of rabbit was created as a pet breed. The breed itself is like no other giving it the nick name #Cutest bunny in the world. There is a sense of pride in owning such a beautiful animal, they are known for their docile nature and make excellent emotional support pets. Starting at a young age this breed is used to weekly grooming which gives Teddywidders their tolerance to be held. They seem most happy on their owners laps. Be sure to ask your breeder about at home care. Check out our Reproable breeders list if your looking for a quality Teddywidder today! 

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